Jeri Steele, Lic. Ac., MAOM, Dipl. O.M., FNP-CS
Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist
Certified Family Nurse Practitoner
Jeri Steele practiced as a Family Nurse Practitioner for over seventeen years providing family centered primary care. She graduated from the University of Lowell after obtaining a Master’s Degree in Family and Community Nursing in 1994. As a Primary Care Provider she managed routine health maintenance, health promotion and wellness, patient centered health education, well gynecology, family planning, and chronic disease management coordinating comprehensive plans of care for medically complex patients. Her approach is compassionate and individualized.
Jeri became very aware of the limitations of Western Medicine during her 17 years in practice and made a commitment to learn more holistic methods of care, making these available to her patients. In 2002 she completed a yearlong program studying under John and Lordes Harvey Gray to become a Master Reiki Practitioner using the Usui system of Reiki. In June of 2011 she left her primary care practice to devote her full attention to the study of Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs) finding this to be a complete system treating the whole person at the root of disease, not just at the symptom level. She is able to offer her patients Chinese Medicine complementing the Western medicine they already receive from their primary care practitioners. Jeri feels this will facilitate the highest level of wellness for patients on their personal journey to health and wellness.
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Jeri: “Patients are living longer lives due to the wonders of Western Medicine, but that doesn’t always translate to a better quality of life. Western Medicine is great at treating manifestations of disease but often fails to reach the root of what caused a patient’s condition in the first place. With the addition of Chinese Medicine, we have greater ability to do this. We can correct imbalances and disharmonies in the body before they cause physical damage and in some cases reverse the damage. We do this with a completely natural gentle system, leaving the body whole. Chinese Medicine is thousands of years old and is widely practiced throughout Asia and other countries with great success. I like to offer the best of both to my patients as they desire. If someone wants a purely Western approach to health then that should be their care model. If they want something more holistic and natural, then Chinese Medicine offers this possibility. If patients want both, then encorporating Chinese Medicine into their care is the perfect solution. It is a complete system of medicine based on thousands of years of evolution and ongoing development. The two medicines complement each other. I don’t want to limit my tools to Western Pharmaceuticals and technology because I have seen their limitations in hundreds of patients, many times over. Chinese Medicine is a wonderful compliment to Western Medicine and it can stand alone as a complete system of healing. To me this is very exciting!”